Tuesday August 18, 2020

SUPPPLIED: Abdinaman Yusuf, the CEO of Astaan TV in the hospital. A security official in Hargeisa told HOL that Mr Yusuf was not hospitalized in Hargeisa while in custody
Hargeisa (HOL) - The CEO and founder of Astaan TV remains in a Hargeisa prison as Somaliland authorities investigate his alleged ties to militant extremist groups.
Abdinaman Yusuf was arrested on July 17 in Hargeisa for reasons that were undisclosed at the time and booked at the central prison.
It was widely reported by local media, including HOL, that Mr Yusuf might have been transferred to a hospital for a medical emergency. Still, a security official who asked to remain confidential told HOL that the reports were inaccurate.
"Mr Yusuf was arrested without incident and is in custody in good health," said the officer, "he was never admitted to a hospital and that picture of him bed-ridden wearing a surgical cap is either a fake or very old."
HOL was not able to independently verify whether Mr Yusuf was ever hospitalized.
The security official went on to say that he is being investigated for serious charges including terrorism and said everything would be brought to light.
"The investigation is still ongoing, once we have all the details the information will be released".
Astaan is a Somalia-based cable company that specializes in sports and entertainment.