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AMISOM admits civilians casualties in Janaale clash with Al-Shabaab

Tuesday June 9, 2020

MOGADISHU (HOL) - The AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has admitted its clash with the militant group Al-Shabaab in Lower Shabelle Tuesday resulted in civilian casualties.

The Mission said in a statement in responding to an Al-Shabaab ambush in Janaale some civilians fell victim to the crossfire.

“Our AMISOM Forces on a tip off, engaged the terrorist and unfortunately, some civilians were caught in a line of fire resulting in casualties,” the statement read in part.

Three women were killed while two others were injured and undergoing treatment in the AMISOM hospital, the AU mission noted.

“We would like to render our sincere apologies and heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased and wish the injured a speedy recovery.”

AMISOM Head Francisco Madeira termed the incident ‘unfortunate’ and condoled with the affected families.

The incident happened Tuesday in Janaale which was recaptured in a joint AMISOM and Somali Security Forces offensives early this year.


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