Monday September 14, 2020

Two foreigners have been arrested with dry and fresh khat at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.
Bare Adam and Osman Mohamed were arrested on Monday morning as they prepared to fly out of the country.
said via Twitter that Bare was arrested for concealing 20Kgs of dried
Khat in his two suitcases while Osman had concealed 5Kgs of fresh khat
in his trousers.
The two will be charged with the offence of
exporting concealed goods contrary to Section 202(b) of the East African
Community Customs Management Act, 2004.
The Act says, " A person
who imports or exports any goods which are concealed in any way ...
commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding five years or to a fine equal to fifty per cent of
the value of the goods involved".