Monday April 26, 2021

MOGADISHU (HOL) - Relative calm returned to Mogadishu Monday following heavy exchanges of gunfire between government forces and militias allied to the opposition.
Tension, however, remains in most parts of the country as soldiers can still be seeing patrolling strategic areas of the city.
The fighting was the worst the city has seen in several years.
Opposition forces are controlling several roads leading to the Sayidka junction. The opposition fighters have vowed to dislodge President Farmajo by force.
The government is still in control of major installations including the airport.
Government and opposition forces clashed Sunday night along the KM4 junction and Maka al Mukarama streets. Residents report that they could see constellations of fire across the city as both sides fiercely fought.
There was no immediate count of casualties, but the emergency medical provider Aamin Ambulance said its staff could not access victims of the fighting owing to heavy gunfire.
Several hundred families have fled their homes for safety after the fighting broke out.
“New violence has erupted in Mogadishu, and emergy services are finding it difficult in carrying out their duties. We appeal to all sides to respect the emergency service operations in these hard times,” Aamin said.