Sunday August 29, 2021

Hargeisa (HOL) - Somaliland's Ministry of Health has announced that five people have died in recent days in Somaliland as the region struggles to contain the latest outbreak of COVID-19.
"This month, 140 people have been diagnosed with the disease. The previous month there were only 27 people, the month before that, there were 22, so we can see that there is a big increase," said Minister of Health Omar Ali Abdillahi.
The minister said that 5% of people tested in recent days tested positive for the virus.
"In recent days, the incidence of Covid-19 has been on the rise. Yesterday, 400 people were diagnosed with 20, which means 5 out of 100 people are infected," said the minister.
Somaliland is in the throes of its third Covid-19 outbreak, and although it is not known whether it is a new strain, health officials worry this latest outbreak could be potentially more severe.
Somaliland started its latest inoculation exercise last Tuesday after receiving 30,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccines from the French government.