Tuesday February 16, 2021

Mogadishu (HOL) - A 14-member technical committee comprised of federal and regional administrators met for the second day in Baidoa on Tuesday to lay the groundwork ahead of broader talks between the federal government and its regional member states in what's being billed as a National Consultative Conference.
Somalia's Prime Minister, Mohamed Hussein Roble - who called for the committee's formation after Farmajo-endorsed talks with the FMS failed to materialize in Garowe - opened the session yesterday Baidoa, 250 km northwest of Somalia's capital. He tasked the committee with finding solutions to break the electoral deadlock between stakeholders.
The committee is made up of representatives from the federal government, regional governments and the Benadir region.
Somalia's constitution minister, Salah Ahmed Jama, is the chairman of the committee. Without disclosing details, the minister said that the group was making strides in the past few hours and that the committee met late into the evening. He added that he hopes these meetings will facilitate an agreement between Somalia's leaders.