Sunday July 25, 2021

Mogadishu (HOL) - The Electoral Disputes Resolution Committee has announced the prerequisites for launching a legal challenge in the upcoming indirect polls for Somalia's Upper House.
The commission said that any Senate-hopeful must first be officially registered to run for the 11th Upper House of the Federal Republic of Somalia in accordance with the Provisional Constitution.
The complainant must file a written request to the dispute commission by completing the Upper House Election Dispute Resolution Registration Form.
In addition, The Dispute Resolution Committee has imposed a $3,000 (USD) fee for anyone wishing to file a complaint.
Prime Minister Roble appointed the 25-member committee on June 19.
In most democracies, the system for resolving electoral disputes is sorted out by Constitutional Courts or similar judicial institutions, which Somalia currently lacks.
Somalia's Chief Justice announced earlier this month that the Supreme Court has the jurisdiction to hear any legal complaints lodged against the Federal Electoral Commission.