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SeaTac International Mall opens

Home Page | Westside Seattle
Thursday May 6, 2021

Vendors and public officials celebrated the opening of the SeaTac International Mall on May 4.

The Grand Opening of the  SeaTac International Mall was held May 4.

The Southside Seattle Chamber of Commerce hosted the socially-distanced event at their new location at 20804 International Boulevard, SeaTac, WA

The event was attended by community leaders and organizers such as Executive Director of Somali Community Services of Seattle Sahra Farah and Sheikh Eid Mohamed Ibrahim as well as King County Council Candidate Shukri Olow and Candidate for the Port of Seattle Commission and policy Advisor for King County Executive Dow Constantine Hamdi Mohamed; elected officials such as King County Councilmembers Dave Upthegrove and Girmay Zahilay; SeaTac City Councilmembers Clyde Hill and Peter Kwon; as well as City of SeaTac Economic Development Staff such as Aleksandr Yeremeyev and Tanja Carter.

“The SeaTac International Mall is a project that is truly supported by the community and is a phenomenal new addition to our community,” offered Andrea H. Reay, President/CEO of Seattle Southside Chamber. “The vision of the project is to help bring more economic equity to the region by providing affordable commercial space to small business owners. We are pleased to support their work for the long run as well as to welcome and celebrate with them.”

The Mall is a center for a diverse community of small businesses located in downtown SeaTac. Owners Faisal Mohamed and Abdirashid Hersi are proud to create opportunities for their community to thrive.

“We are excited about the impact SeaTac International Mall will have on the community at large,” said Faisal. “Small business owners have an opportunity to pursue upward economic mobility and make their dreams of owning a business come true. We want to thank everyone that has supported us through this journey including the City of SeaTac, King County, Craft3, Southside Chamber of Commerce, NDC, all the contractors involved in building this beautiful space, all our tenants for their patience and the community at large.”

A video of the event can be seen on Facebook here.

Information from Southside Seattle Chamber of Commerce 


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