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Turkish humanitarian aid reaches out to drought-stricken Somalia

Wednesday April 6, 2022

Turkish nongovernmental organization (NGO) the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) has provided food packages to 427 families in need in Somalia during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, the charity said Monday.

"We are in the capital Mogadishu. We have delivered food and greetings to the families who are in a difficult situation due to the drought," the Istanbul-based charity said in a statement.

The statement also said that the drought in Somalia, caused by below-average rainfall since 2020, has seriously affected the people. Stating that millions of people living in Somalia have great difficulty accessing clean water and food and that some water wells have dried up, the statement said there is a great need for health services, food and water in the country.

It is estimated that 4.3 million people have been directly affected, while at least 500,000 have been displaced, it added.

"Sources in the region state that the search for grazing and water for animals, as well as resource use, poses a risk of conflict, especially in central and southern Somalia. In the country, where a state of emergency was declared on Nov. 23, 2021, the government requested assistance from other states and nongovernmental organizations."

IHH had delivered food boxes and hygiene packages to 200 families ahead of Ramadan, according to the statement.

"As part of aid activities for the region, IHH delivered 85 tankers of drinking water that benefit nearly 408,000 individuals in the city and on the outskirts of Baidoa in November 2021," said the statement, highlighting that it also provided humanitarian aid to 415 families.

Baidoa is the administrative capital of Somalia's southwest state and is located around 270 kilometers (167 miles) from the capital Mogadishu.

"A total of 12,000 people benefited from the food and hygiene packages during and ahead of Ramadan," it added.

Turkish-Somali relations have been strengthening over the years and as part of the cooperation between the two countries, Turkey has trained nearly one-third of the Somali military forces. In addition to military cooperation, the two countries also partner on health, education and other initiatives. The food donations were provided by the Turkish people, who are also concerned about the current drought in the country.

Somalia is currently battling one of its worst climate change-related droughts in decades, with the United Nations warning that over 4.6 million people in the country will face severe food scarcity in the coming months.



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