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UK “deeply concerned” about executions in Somaliland

Thursday February 17, 2022

Hargeisa (HOL) - The UK says that it is “deeply concerned” over the execution of four men by the Somaliland government on Wednesday.

The men were convicted of killing soldiers and were executed by firing squad at Mandera prison.

Lizzie Walker, the Head of the British Office in Hargeisa, tweeted her concerns, saying that capital punishment does not affect crime.

"We are deeply concerned about the executions that took place this morning in Somaliland. UK position is well known: We oppose capital punishment at all times and under all circumstances. The death penalty is incompatible with human dignity. It has no deterrent effect on crime.”

Tiina Intelmann, the EU’s Ambassador to Somalia, also shared Walker’s sentiment, saying that the EU opposes the death penalty unequivocally.

Somaliland executed six men for murder in January 2020. Two of those men were also suspected of being members of Al-Shabaab.


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