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Kenyan opposition blasts 'insensitive' US ambassador

Friday August 18, 2023

Kenya’s opposition politicians have said that they are hurt by the United States ambassador’s "insensitive" comment about Kenya being the most stable democracy in Africa.

Ambassador Meg Whitman made the remark on Wednesday, during an address to Kenyan leaders, including President William Ruto.

"I arrived in Kenya days before the 2022 general elections. What I witnessed was nothing short of remarkable. Kenya held what many analysts and commentators say was the freest, fairest and most credible election in Kenyan history," Ms Whitman said.

The elections were deemed inaccurate and unverifiable by the Kenyan opposition, which contested the results in the Supreme Court.

Oburu Odinga, an opposition senator and brother to opposition leader Raila Odinga, said that he was hurt by Ms Whitman’s comments and said it was insensitive of her to praise Kenya’s democracy at a time when the government had criminalised Kenyans' right to demonstrate, picket and assemble.

He was making reference to the recent arrests of dozens of anti-government protesters.

The opposition leaders added that Ms Whitman’s comments could damage ongoing negotiations between the Azimio la Umoja opposition coalition and Kenya Kwanza, the ruling coalition. The opposition figures urged the ambassador to "be sensitive, mature and avoid making divisive comments likely to erode trust among Kenyans".


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