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Somalia telco sees growth with savings product

By Ronald Owili
Monday December 18, 2023

Somali Telecommunication (Somtel Somalia) expects the savings service it has since rolled out to continue with the growth momentum into next year.

Somtel Somalia Head of Commerce Abdullahi Ali Amir said the service dubbed Kaydo rolled out by the teclo in 2021 has helped encourage savings culture especially among young people in the East African Community (EAC) newest member state.

Kaydso service which was developed in collaboration with eDahab and Dahabshiil Group gave consumers locked savings plan accessible up to a period of one year.

“It’s our pleasure to offer this practical service to the various sectors of the Somali community,” said Ahmed Esse, Somtel Somalia Head of Marketing.

The Somalia telco currently serves at least four million customers offering data, voice and mobile money services


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