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ANSA and Somali news agency SONNA sign new agreement

Tuesday October 31, 2023


ROME, OCT 30 - Somalia's SONNA and Italy's ANSA on Monday signed a cooperation agreement that enables the two news agencies to have access to each others' contents and exchange them to use on their respective information platforms.

As a result, the two agencies' subscribers will have access to a wider range of international news services: the agreement makes it possible for the partners to use each others' news services for editorial purposes and to develop joint commercial proposals to support the communications of institutions and businesses in the respective countries.

Welcomed by ANSA CEO Stefano De Alessandri, Somali Information, Culture and Tourism Minister Daud Aweis took part in the ceremony for the signing of the agreement at the Italian agency's Rome headquarters, along with SONNA Director General Ismail Mukhtar Omar, the Somali President's Special Envoy to Italy Ali Abukar Hayo, the Somali Embassy to Rome's Charge D'affaires Abdirahman Moalin and, via video link from Mogadishu, Italian Ambassador to Somalia Alberto Vecchi.

"The signing of this agreement is another important step in strengthening the bonds between Italy and Somalia, which descend from a unique common history," said Ambassador Vecchi.

"News and communications are crucial in order to revive awareness of how close our two countries are and I thank ANSA and SONNA for today's agreement and for the collaboration that is being re-established in this fundamentally important sector".

Minister Aweis said that "this agreement brings our countries even closer.

"And it is a historic accord that is of great importance to Somalia, because it increases SONNA's ability to inform Somalis at home and around the world," he continued.

"Furthermore, it strengthens Italy-Somalia ties, which are already strong in the sectors of security, culture and humanitarian aid.

"It strengthens friendship and mutual respect, something that goes beyond the media: the free flow of accurate and impartial news is essential for society as a whole.

"This agreement will have a long-term impact for our two nations".

CEO De Alessandri pointed out that "ANSA has renewed agreements with around 70 international news agencies since 2022.

"Cooperation between press agencies is growing globally, at a time when misinformation is spreading on social media," he said.

"This agreement, which brings Italy and Somalia even closer, making it possible to exchange more news between the two countries, is only the first step towards broader cooperation aimed at supporting the communications of the two nations' companies and institutions".


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