by Aman Obsiye
Monday, May 7, 2018

Though it purports to be federalist, Puntland carries itself
as a quasi-secessionist entity when it suits her. When Puntland disagrees with the Federal
Government of Somalia it cuts ties with it, seeking to undermine the national
government on the world stage. A key
characteristic of secessionism is the purposeful weakening of the nation’s
sovereignty, and Puntland has once again displayed its quasi-secessionist
character vis-à-vis the Bosaso port deal.
The current conflict between the UAE and Somalia has exposed
the true nature of Puntland’s President, Abdiweli Gaas. In this short essay, I will be delving into
Puntland’s political ideology, its similarities to Somaliland, federalism, and
the unconstitutionality of the Bosaso port deal.
Puntland’s Political
Puntland’s political ideology is based on the notion of Hartiinimo, the unity of the Harti sub-clans
within a regional state government (though many Hartis have concluded that all
sub-clans are not created equal within the state). Puntland is the only federal member state
that bases its jurisdiction on clan federalism, while all other federal member
states base their jurisdiction on provincial federalism. The borders claimed by Puntland are literally
based on clan borders, hence its claims over specific districts in Mudug,
Sanaag, and Sool (for more info on Puntland’s clan federalism click here)
If you want to know
what Puntland shall do tomorrow, just look at what Somaliland did yesterday.
Somaliland claimed its secession in 1991, while Puntland
claimed its autonomy in 1998. The Somaliland
flag was introduced in 1993, while Puntland introduced her flag in 2009. Somaliland adopted her constitution in 2000,
while Puntland adopted her constitution in 2009. Somaliland held its first multiparty election
in 2003, and Puntland was scheduled to host its first multiparty election in 2013,
to no avail. Lastly, Somaliland entered
into a port agreement with the UAE and Puntland did the same soon afterwards. As you can see, Puntland literally follows
Somaliland’s lead step-by-step, and this explains its quasi-secessionist
Federalism and Preemption
Federalism was shoved down the throat of the Somali nation
and people by Puntland’s founding president Abdilahi Yusuf (AUN). Puntland boycotted the 2000 Arta Conference
because it refused to accept a unitary state structure for Somalia. Fast forward to today, and Puntland has got
exactly what it wanted, a federal Somalia.
But Puntland has repeatedly proven that it does not truly abide by the
tenants of federalism.
Federalism was invented by the United States. In U.S.
Term Limits, Inc. v. Thornton, Justice Stevens stated: “[Federalism] was
our Nation’s own discovery. The Farmers
split the atom of sovereignty. It was the genius of their idea that our
citizens would have two political capacities, one state and one federal, each
protected from incursion by the other.” What
differentiates federalism from other forms of government is the dual-sovereign
notion of the vertical separation of
powers. This dual-sovereign concept
encompasses two parallel entities, federal and state, governing in unison. I shall use American jurisprudence as a guide
to illuminate the darkness of federalism as it relates to Somalia.
Preemption is a
foundational legal doctrine of federalism.
Preemption basically entails the superiority of federal law over state
law, whether it be constitutional or legislative. In federal systems, the federal constitution
supersedes state constitutions, and federal legislation supersedes state
legislations. In the United States, we call this the Supremacy Clause,
which implies that if disagreements occur between federal and state law,
federal law reigns supreme and therefore preempts state law. Somalia’s constitution
also incorporates this legal doctrine (see: Provisional Fed. Const. June 12,
2012, art. 4, §1 (Som.)).
There are two forms of preemption: express and implied
preemption. Express preemption is when
Congress passes a federal law and expressly states that it shall preempt state
law. Implied preemption is when Congress
does not expressly state in its federal legislation that it shall preempt state
law, but by the law’s structure or
purpose it can be implied that its intention is to preempt state law. In Florida
Lime & Avocado Growers, Inc v. Paul, Justice Brennan stated that
conflict arises under implied preemption when “compliance with both federal and
state regulation is a physical impossibility.”
Unconstitutionality of the Bosaso Port Deal
On March 12th 2018, Somalia’s federal parliament
passed legislation banning DP World from operating ports throughout Somalia. DP World recently signed deals with
Somaliland’s and Puntland’s regional authorities to operate Berbera and Bosaso
ports, respectively. On April 28th
2018, Abdiweli Gaas stated that DP World shall be allowed to operate Bosaso
port and invoked article 54 of Puntland’s constitution as legal justification. The issue we are faced with is whether “the
matter on which the state asserts the right to act is in any way regulated by
the federal government.” Rice v. Santa Fe Elevator Corp.
Articles 4 and 54(A) of Somalia’s Constitution expressly
preempts the Bosaso port deal. Article 4
states that, “After the Shari’ah, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of
Somalia is the supreme law of the country.”
Article 54(A) states that, “The allocation of powers and resources shall
be negotiated and agreed upon by the Federal Government and the Federal Member
States, except in matters concerning: (A) Foreign Affairs . . ..” Therefore, article 4 coupled with article
54(A), expressly preempts Puntland law vis-à-vis DP World. Additionally, Puntland is preempted by implied
preemption. Somalia’s Parliament passed
federal legislation banning DP World from operating in Somalia. This federal legislation is intended to
preempt, both, Puntland and Somaliland laws, because “compliance with both
federal and state regulation is a physical impossibility.” Florida Lime.
In Crosby v. National
Foreign Trade Council, the issue of preemption and the foreign affairs
power arose. In Crosby, the state of Massachusetts passed a law concerning Burma
(Myanmar) which conflicted with a federal law concerning Burma. The Court struck down Massachusetts’ law
because federal law preempted it. Justice
Souter eloquently explained:
“[T]he state Act undermines the
President’s capacity, in this instance for effective diplomacy. It is not merely that the differences between
the state and federal Acts in scope and type of sanctions threaten to
complicate discussions; they compromise the very capacity of the President to
speak for the Nation with one voice in dealing with other governments. [The] President’s maximum power to persuade
rests on his capacity to bargain for the benefits of access to the entire national
economy without exception for enclaves
fenced off willy-nilly by inconsistent political tactics.” (emphasis added)
Gaas argues that article 142(1) of Somalia’s Constitution
coupled with article 54(3) of Puntland’s Constitution allows him to give DP
World access to Bosaso port. Article
142(1) of Somalia’s Constitution states, “Until such time that all Federal
Member States of Somalia are established . . . Federal Member States existing
prior to the provisional adoption of this Provisional Constitution . . . shall
retain and exercise powers endowed by their own State Constitution.” Article 54(3) of Puntland’s Constitution
states, “Puntland State may make agreements with national or foreign companies
and give them the right to benefit from natural resources.” (emphasis
One can make an argument that article 142(1) of Somalia’s
Constitution gives Puntland powers that are not under the exclusive control and
authority of the Federal Government, such as (i) foreign affairs, (ii) national
defense, (iii) citizenship and immigration, and (iv) monetary policy. (see: Provisional
Fed. Const. June 12, 2012, art. 54 (Som.)).
But the answer is simply found in Puntland’s own state constitution,
which does not endow Puntland with the powers to allow DP World to operate
Bosaso port.
Natural resources are resources that humans did not and
cannot make, such as oil, gas, minerals, water, forests, timber, etc. Ports are not natural resources, but rather
are man-made resources. Puntland cannot
properly rely on article 54(3) of its constitution because it deals
specifically with natural resources. Therefore, the Bosaso port deal is
unconstitutional whether we analyze it under the tenants of federalism
(preemption), or we analyze it under Puntland’s constitution.
Political leadership emanating from Puntland is particularly
worrying. From June 2006 until December
2006, Somalia in its entirety was peaceful and stable. Northwestern Somalia was administered by
Somaliland, northeastern by Puntland, and southcentral by the Union of Islamic
Courts. There were no foreign troops, but
law and order reigned from Zelia to Ras Kamboni. From June 2006 until December 2006, there were
no suicide bombings, there was no terrorism, just peace and stability
organically provided for Somalis by Somalis.
Then Puntland’s founding
president Abdilahi Yusuf invited the Ethiopian military machine to occupy
Somalia’s capital. The overwhelming
majority of Somalis considered this to be an act of treason by Yusuf, rendering
him Somalia’s version of Benedict Arnold.
Overnight, Mogadishu went from peace to war. The countless inhumane atrocities, and crimes
against humanity, that resulted from the Ethiopian occupation are well
documented. Puntland’s current president, Abdiweli Gaas, seems to be following this
precedence of using a foreign power to derail positive gains made in Somalia. The Bosaso port deal is unconstitutional, and
Gaas knows this, but he still chooses to betray the Somali nation for the
benefit of a foreign nation.
Aman Obsiye has a Juris Doctor and Masters of
Public Policy from the University of Minnesota. He is the author of the
academic research paper Rethinking the
Somali State.