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President Farmajo forces sham elections in Somalia

Ali Guudlawe and Yusuf A. Hagar Dabaged were federal government's hand-picked illiterate candidates to run as Hirshabelle President and Vice-President.

by Abdiaziz Hassan Amalo Giyaajo
November 17, 2020

Hirshabelle’s fake elections are now a model for the upcoming Somalia Presidential Election orchestrated by president Farmajo who employs same strategies of rigged elections in the abused federal member states.

Somalia prepares for presidential elections on February 8, 2021, with guaranteed outcome of Farmaajo re-election of another four-year term.

“Farmaajo circles ( Xoogaga Waddaniyiinta) knows the outcome of the presidential election even before casting their votes “Farmaajo will win by an overwhelming margin thanks to regime-controlled media that glorifies the leader and demonizes his critics, the regime’s monopoly of all sources of economic power and wealth, and the fighting of all serious opposition candidates through fraudulent legal maneuvers or by attempt assassination.” 

Farmajo looks to elections to confer legitimacy, while Somalia’s economy is stagnant, the country’s freedoms destroyed, and the regime’s corruption that includes bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism , graft and embezzlement is rampant.

President Farmajo’s government practices obstruction and delay tactics by preventing the democratic processes or changes stated by legislation passed by both houses of the legislature. the regime demonstrated placing election barriers consciously and intentionally through avoidance, disregard of the law, and inaction. The action of interfering and deterring the legislative processes using various means by this Administration caused slow walk and violent clashes and abuse of democratic processes using taxpayer money to get their choice of leaders of regional states elected with similar sham elections that happened in Southwest, Galmudug and Hirshabelle.

Somalia’s upcoming elections requires strong, sustained support from all partners to move along the path to a peaceful transition of power to new President rather than backsliding into horrendous experience of civil war. 

Abdiaziz Hassan Amalo Giyaajo.
Prominent Businessman and former Presidential Candidate.
[email protected]


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