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Embracing Dialogue: A Testament to Political Maturity and Collective Ownership
By Ismail D. Osman
Friday July 14, 2023

Wednesday’s consultation meeting in Mogadishu, convened by President Hassan Sheikh, holds immense significance as it brings together former Somali presidents, prime ministers, and key political figures. It showcases the political maturity of our nation and the recognition of collective ownership in shaping our country’s future political direction. This gathering not only provides an opportunity to share the achievements, challenges, and national priorities of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) but also aims to bridge differences that arose from recent debates over the National Consultative Council’s (NCC) decision to transition from a parliamentary to a presidential electoral system.

The willingness of President Hassan Sheikh to convene this meeting exemplifies a high level of political maturity. Acknowledging the importance of engaging with former leaders and key figures demonstrates a commitment to inclusive governance and recognizes the valuable insights they can offer. This display of maturity is vital for promoting stability, unity, and effective decision-making, ultimately leading to the sustainable development and progress of our nation.

By bringing together former presidents, prime ministers, and other political figures, the consultation meeting underscores the principle of collective ownership. It acknowledges that decisions affecting the political landscape should be made collectively, with input from a broad spectrum of stakeholders. This inclusive approach ensures that the political direction of our nation is not determined by a single entity but reflects the aspirations and concerns of the entire population. It fosters a sense of shared responsibility and empowers citizens to actively participate in shaping the future of Somalia.

The consultation meeting serves as a platform for President Hassan Sheikh to share the achievements, challenges, and national priorities of the FGS with former leaders and political figures. This exchange of information and perspectives is crucial for fostering transparency, building trust, and strengthening the understanding of the government’s vision for the nation. By openly discussing the accomplishments and obstacles faced by the FGS, leaders can collectively strategize and work towards overcoming challenges while capitalizing on the achievements made thus far.

The meeting also provides an opportunity to address differences that arose from recent debates surrounding the NCC’s decision to transition from a parliamentary to a presidential electoral system. Engaging in constructive dialogue, with a spirit of collaboration and respect, allows for a deeper understanding of the concerns and viewpoints held by all stakeholders. Through such discussions, it becomes possible to find common ground, seek compromises, and build consensus, fostering a more inclusive and representative political system.

The consultation meeting in Mogadishu represents a significant step forward in our nation’s democratic journey. It showcases the political maturity of our leaders and their recognition of collective ownership in shaping the future of Somalia. By sharing achievements, challenges, and national priorities, and addressing differences in a spirit of dialogue, inclusivity, and respect, we can foster unity, build trust, and work towards a stronger, more prosperous Somalia. Let us seize this opportunity to engage in fruitful conversations, bridge divides, and collectively shape our nation’s political landscape for the betterment of all Somalis.

Ismail D. Osman: Former Deputy Director of Somalia National Intelligence & Security Agency (NISA) – Writes in Somalia, Horn of Africa Security and Geopolitical focusing on governance and security. You can reach him [email protected] @osmando


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