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Somalia must continue with the spirit of 2023 in 2024
By Liban Obsiye
Monday January 15, 2024


The year 2023 was truly a remarkable year for Somalia. After over decade of security, and socio-economic reforms, the UN Arms Embargo was lifted, debt relief of 4.5 billion US Dollars was achieved and Somalia joined the East Africa Community. On the latter, I will not delve into the economic pros and cons of the membership but will celebrate that Somalia is, once again, poised to play a major role in the progress and prosperity of East Africa.

On the arms embargo the message is simple: Somalia has transitioned from a violent, lawless failed state which the world feared will continue to savagely tear itself apart to a nation focused on defeating international terrorism with the full engagement of its proud and resilient people. What fantastic news to the point where I feel the Somali language word of 2023 should be “MACAWISLEY.”

On the matter of debt relief, much has already been said and presented to the Somali people and the world but the main achievement is that Somalia has finally normalized relations with the International Financial Institutions through an impressive reform implementation journey starting in 2015. Pessimists and doubters of different persuasions of this possibility in the past were humbled by the national tenacity and commitment to escape the destructive debt trap which held an entire nation and people hostage. I was there in Washington DC in 2017 at the World Bank and IMF Annual meetings when the then Finance Minister Dr. Abdirahman D. Beileh was told by many senior international figures that debt relief is beyond Somalia’s reach. Today, Somalia is not completely debt free but its debts have been reduced by 90%. This is a new opportunity for sustainable development and growth for Somalia and its people.

The year 2023 is particularly special because it was the year in which the collective effort of various Somali governments, its people and international partners came together to deliver the final results. Yet, the grueling and incremental build up to this spanned different political administrations. What remained constant was the valuable contribution of the Somali people and the laser sharp focus of all governments and leaders on the big prizes: fighting terrorism, lifting the arms embargo, debt relief, and utilizing Somalia’s vast natural and human resources as well as its strategic geography to transform the lives of the people and positively return Somalia to the community of nations.

Were there hiccups along the way to achieve debt relief? Of course! Which post conflict developing nation actively fighting international terrorism while reviewing its constitutional and governance processes has an easy path to smooth state reconstruction? Add to this the regular and disastrous climate shocks which destroy lives, livelihoods and create a constant stream of Internally Displaced People in all major urban centers which are already struggling. All in all, it would be fair to say that the Somali people are amongst the most resilient and patient people in the world who deserve 2024 to be a great success alongside all their fellow human beings across the world.

What is the spirit of 2023 that I want emulated to ensure a successful 2024 in terms of advancing Somalia’s key security, political and socio-economic objectives? The first and most important is purposeful partnership. The Somali government, people and international partners must not take their eyes of the road after the celebrations of the 2023 mentioned milestones because these are just the beginning. There is still some way to go to achieve fiscal self-sufficiency, job-rich economic growth, the comprehensive defeat of Al-Shabaab, an inclusive political settlement and start trading at scale and volume to benefit from the new and exciting East African Community membership.

Secondly, the people must be mobilized and brought to the centre of the policy making process and political decision making. The zero sum clan and personality centered elite politics which engages only a connected few must end. The Macawiisley movement was not a product of elite discussions but real community security concern and action which re-injected energy and purpose while pushing the fight against international terrorism in Somalia towards the right direction. Today, thanks to this effort alongside the Somali National Army, over 80 new areas have been liberated, some which have not seen government of any type since the collapse of the state in 1991. The fact that President Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the Commander-In Chief of the Somali National Army (SNA), spent substantial time on the front lines with the Macawiisley and the SNA listening, learning, guiding the fight and risking his own life creates room for hope and optimism for more public centred policy responses in 2024.

Another example is debt relief came on the back of increasing domestic revenues which is lawfully collected taxes from the people and compliance with new laws and rules. Again, would debt relief have been possible without these? The work of government is making and implementing public policy and the most important word in this process is PUBLIC for whom policy is made with and for.

Thirdly, Somalis are truly tough and resilient people and seldom daunted. This is a phenomenal trait and national strength which helped to guide all the successes of 2023 to fruition. Now, in 2024, the same positive, “Yes We can”, never give up mentality must prevail as the Somali government moves towards transitioning full security of the nation from the African Union Transition Mission In Somalia (ATMIS) to the SNA and relying on more of its own financial resources to cover its recurrent and developmental costs after debt relief. Insh Allah, 2024 will be another progressive and prosperous year for Somalia and its strong, resilient and entrepreneurial people.

The author welcomes all feedback. He can be reached through:
[email protected]
@LibanObsiye (Twitter).


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