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Jimco, October, 1, 2021 (HOL) - Xaalad kacsanaan ah ayaa laga dareemayaa gobolka Galgaduud ee Galmudug, iyadoo ciiddamada Ahlusunna Waljameeca ay isku ballaariyeen qeybo kamid ah gobolka Galgaduud ee bartamaha Soomaaliya.
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Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS) and the Somali Media Association (SOMA) call on Galmudug authorities to immediately and unconditionally free freelance journalist, Mohamed Abdiweli Tohow who is held at Dhusamareb police station since Tuesday night 28 September, while we call Puntland authorities to stop its harassment through police summoning against journalist Mohamed Salah in Garowe.
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MOGADISHU (HOL) - Opposing candidates in four out of the five seats up for election for Somaliland senate withdrew from the race today as the delegates concluded their pick for senators.
Khamiis, September, 30, 2021 (HOL) - Askari katirsan ciidanka Puntland ayaa xalay magaalada Garowe ku dilay sarkaal dhallinyaro ah oo katirsanaa ciiddanka badda Puntland ee loo yaqaan PMPF.
MOGADISHU (HOL) - Six out of the 11 senators for Somaliland were today elected in Mogadishu.
Arbaco, September, 29, 2021 (HOL) - Doorashada lix kursi oo ah kuraasta xildhibaannada Aqalka Sare ee Gobollada Waqooyi (Somaliland), ayaa maanta lagusoo gabagabeeyay magaalada Muqdisho.
Talaado, September, 28, 2021 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam Axmed Madoobe oo ka hadlaayay madal dadweyne oo ka dhaceysay magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubbada Hoose ayaa ka hadlay arrimaha doorashooyinka dalka.
Deputy Prime Minister Mahdi Guled has announced a candidate to contest with Senate speaker Abdi Hashi had been identified following sharp criticism from politicians from Somaliland.
Isniin, September, 27, 2021 (HOL) - Wasiirkii haweenka ee Itoobiya, oo ahayd mas'uulkii dowladdeed ee ugu horreeyey ee qira in kufsi dhacay intii uu socday dagaalkii Tigray, ayaa Isniintii maanta ku dhawaaqday in ay is casishay.
MOGADISHU (HOL) - Abdi Muridi Dheere alias Ajakis known for his rib cracking jokes and whose works brought laughter for decades especially amidst the pains and anguish of civil war inSomalia has died.
Axad, September, 26, 2021 (HOL) - Wasiirka Qorsheynta Soomaaliya, Jamaal Maxamed Xasan oo maalmahan ku sugnaa Puntland ayaa saacado laga hor istaaggay inuu gudaha u galo Garoowe.
MELBOURNE (HOL) - A group of Somali lawyers in Australia has said it has filed four cases against the Somali government at the International Criminal Court (ICC) over what it termed as ‘crimes against humanity’.