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Mogadishu (HOL) - Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble chaired a meeting on Thursday with his cabinet. He briefed them on his recent conversations with the leaders of Somalia's regional states concerning the timetable for the election of Somalia's Upper House.
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Khamiis, Agoosto, 5, 2021 (HOL) - Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Maxamed Xuseen Rooble, oo maanta shir guddoominayay shirka golaha wasiiradda Soomaaliya, ayaa ka warbixiyay kulan uu la yeeshay Madasha Qaran oo ay isku afgarteen in ay ku soo afjaraan arrimaha doorashada aqalka sare asbuuca soo socda.
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MOGADISHU (HOL) - Former President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has dispelled rumours that he had struck a compromise deal with his predecessor Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on who will stand for president.
Arbaco, Agoosto, 4, 2021 (HOL) - Kumanaan Askari oo Soomaali ah oo tababar ku qaadanaya Eritrea ayaa lagu wadaa in ay dib ugu laabtaan dalkooda, sida uu sheegay sarkaal dowladda katirsan oo diiday in magaciisa la sheego.
Talaado, Agoosto, 3, 2021 (HOL) - Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Maxamed Xuseen Rooble oo la kulmay guddiga doorashooyinka gobollada Waqooyi ayaa sheegay in laga noqday doorashadii ay dhowaan dhinacyada guddigu ku doorteen labada hoggaan oo iskasoo horjeeda.
Hargeisa (HOL) - Abdirizak Khalif Ahmed, the vice-chairman of the Waddane Party, has been elected the new speaker of the 5th Somaliland House of Representatives on Tuesday morning following a closely contested race with Kulmiye Party's Yasin Faratoon.
MOGADISHU (HOL) - Lawmakers in South West State elected the first five senators, following Jubaland, which elected its senators last Thursday.
Isniin, Agoosto, 2, 2021 (HOL) - Waxaa goordhaw si rasmi ah u soo gabagaboobay doorashada Shan ka mid ah kuraasta Xildhibaanada Aqalka sare ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ku matalaya maamulka Koofur Galbeed Soomaaliya.
Axad, Agoosto, 1, 2021 (HOL) - War-saxaafadeed maanta oo Axad ah kasoo baxay wasaaradda warfaafinta Soomaaliya ayaa lagu sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya iyo la-hawlgalayaasheeda ay habeenimadii xalay weerar cirka ah la beegsadeen Al-Shabab meel u dhow magaalada Wasil ee gobolka Mudug.
MOGADISHU (HOL) - U.S airstrikes hit Al-Shabaab targets in Central Somalia Sunday morning, the Federal Government has said.
Sabti, Luulyo, 31, 2021 (HOL) - Wararka ka imanaya magaalada Laascaanood ayaa sheegaya in Guddoomiyihii komishinka Doorashooyinka Somaliland ee gobolka Sool Cabdillaahi Laba- go'le ay dabley hubaysan goordhawayd ku dileen Laascaanood.
MOGADISHU (HOL) - South west state parliament will vote for a new crop of senators on Monday following the unveiling of candidates for the first five seats by state president Abdiaziz Lafta Gareen.