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Hargeisa (HOL) - Residents in Borama, the capital and the largest city of the northwestern Awdal region of Somaliland, took to the streets in protest on Thursday after the Gadarbursi clan chief was refused entry into the city.
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Khamiis, Agoosto 27, 2020 (HOL) - Warsaxaafadeed kasoo baxay shirkii magaalada Garowe uga socday Puntland iyo Jubbaland ayaa lagu sheegay in madaxda labada maamul ay qeyb ka ahaanayaan shir wadatashi oo Muqdisho ka dhacaya loogana hadlayo sidii xal siyaasadeed looga gaari lahaa doorashooyinka Soomaaliya.
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MOGADISHU (HOL) - Somali president Mohamed Farmaajo Wednesday signed into a law an amended version of the country’s Media Law following three years of debate on the law.
Arbaco, Agoosto 26, 2020 (HOL) - Dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa siisay Kenya shan shuruudood ka hor inta aan laga qaadin xayiraadaha saaran duulimaadyada Qaadka, sida ay qoreen warbaahinta dalka Kenya.
MOGADISHU (HOL) - One in five children under five in Somalia show signs of malnutrition, a new study has revealed warning good nutrition is still out of reach for millions of Somali children in the same age bracket.
Talaado, Agoosto 25, 2020 (HOL) - Ciidamada xoogga Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in howl-gal ka dhan ah Alshabaab ay ka billaabeen deegaanno hoostaga maamulka Hirshabeelle.
HARGEISA (HOL) - Somaliland electoral body, political parties agree to hold elections in May 2021 Somaliland National Elections Commission (NEC) alongside the three political parties have agreed to hold elections in May 2021.
Isniin, Agoosto 24, 2020 (HOL) - Taliska ciiidanka asluubta Soomaaliya, ayaa beeniyay warar saxaafada lagu faafiyay oo ku saabsanaa in ciidankooda ay xalay weerareen taliyaha ciidanka Haramcad, Farxaan Qarooole.
Axad, Agoosto 23, 2020 (HOL) - Ciidamada Midowga Yurub ee ilaalada biyaha Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in markabka ku gooshayay calanka dalka Panama ee lagu tuhunsanaa in ay afduubteen burcad badeed Soomaali ah uu haatan bad qabo.
MOGADISHU (HOL) - The Forum for National Parties (FNP) coalition has welcomed the electoral deal reached in Dhusamareb but called for inclusion of all stakeholders.
MOGADISHU (HOL) - African Union forces have held back an attack by the militant group Al-Shabaab in the outskirts of the Somali capital Mogadishu.
Sabti, Agoosto 22, 2020 (HOL) - Maamulada Puntland iyo Jubbaland ayaa soo saaray war murtiyeed ay ku midaysan yihiin oo ay kagasoo horjedaan natiijada kasoo baxday shirkii magaalada Dhuusomareeb.