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WASHINGTON (VOA) - Somali government troops, backed by African Union (AU) forces, have taken control from the al-Shabab militant group of a strategic town in the Lower Shabelle region, freeing dozens of children in the process, residents and official said.
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Sabti, Agoosto 15, 2020 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha dowladda federalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo oo maanta khudbad ka hor jeedinayay barlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa ka dhawaajiyay heshiis kasta oo uu lasoo galo maamul goboleedyada inuu kusoo celindoono barlamaanka dhexdiisa.
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Jimco, Agoosto 14, 2020 (HOL) - Beesha caalamka ayaa warsaxafadeed kasoo baxay waxay si cad ugu sheegeen in haddii shirka Dhuusomareeb cid ka mid ah madaxda ay ka qaybgeli waydo uu baabi’in doono in shirka awood u yeesho in lagu gaaro go’aamo la hirgelin karo.
NAIROBI, Kenya — When Iman Elman decided to enlist in the Somali National Army in 2011, the officer distributing uniforms gave her one shirt and two pairs of pants. Puzzled, Ms. Elman asked about the missing shirt. There was none, he said. The extra set of pants was provided for her to sew into a skirt.
Khamiis, Agoosto 13, 2020 (HOL) - Danjiraha Mareykanka ee Soomaaliya Donald Yamamoto ayaa ku baaqay in la isku raaco wadahadallada soo socda ee ka dhacaya magaalada Dhuusamareb.
Mogadishu (HOL) - A Belgian company that has been marred with allegations of corruption since it began selling passports in Africa in 2007 has called on the Somali government to cancel it's tender for e-passports. The group fears that the process will lead to "unfair competition, according to a letter from their lawyer.
MOGADISHU (HOL) - Somalia has doubled taxes levied on the leafy stimulant khat which is mainly imported from Kenya and Ethiopia in what is going to further put into distress exporters of the product from the two countries which are already reeling from suspension of business owing to COVID-19.
Arbaco, Agoosto 12, 2020 (HOL) - Wasaaradda Maaliyadda ee Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Wasaaradaha Maaliyadda ee Dowlad-gobolleedyada dalka iyo gobolka Banaadir oo labo maalin uu shir uga socday Muqdisho ayaa la soo gabagabeeyay, iyadoo laga soo saaray warmurtiyeed.
U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar won a five-way DFL primary Tuesday in Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District, topping her nearest contender by double digits after the polls closed at 8 p.m. on Tuesday.
Talaado, Agoosto 11, 2020 (HOL) - Afhayeenka ciidanka Asluubta G/sare Cabdiqani Maxamed Qalaf ayaa sheegay in 15 maxaabiis ah ay ku dhinteen, 7 kalena ay ku dhaawacmeen shaqaaqadii shalay ka dhacday xabsiga dhexe ee Xamar.
ST. CLOUD, Minn. (AP) — Children want to see characters who look like them, said Hudda Ibrahim. Last year, her niece Fatima asked why books don't have characters like her.
Isniin, Agoosto 10, 2020 (HOL) - Taliyaha ciidamada asluubta ee jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Korneyl Mahad Cabdiraxmaan Aadan ayaa waxa uu ka hadlay weerarkii gelinkii dembe ee maanta ka dhacay xabsiga dhexe ee Muqdisho.